Dear Barbarians:
Thank you very much for your patience. By now I am certain you are aware that most things have not gone according to plan, for various reasons, but I am pleased that you have been patient and that we have still been able to stay on task. It can be troubling if we allow the little setbacks at the start of the season to keep us from ever getting underway, yet having to deal with so many varied situations throughout my tenure I have grown accustomed to understanding completely, ‘we do not make the plan we have to adjust to it’, especially if we are to be successful.
I would like to make certain everyone understands that we are not entering any odd year age groups into league competition. We are committed to being a competitive club that attempts to have a strong showing in our State Futsal Tournament, as well as in the USFF Regional and National Tournaments. Most odd year players will be used as reserves on the even year teams so that we can continue to train them at a reasonable cost. Some will make the team as regulars. All reserve players will be offered to compete in various local tournaments. As stated before, and something learned over our past few years of involvement in league play, we are certain that we can train our players and compete in training between age groups without the need of paying and playing against each other in league play!
The Barbarian Football Coalition is now a recognized club and only one of four, (Foothills, North United, and Penns Forest being the others,) so organized under West Penn Futsal’s Prime League. In time there may be others who are given that distinction but as such, players who are selected by any of these clubs to play futsal have the right to play for any of these clubs of their choosing. Unfortunately, the other clubs being organized outdoor clubs use all different measures of leverage to keep players from feeling comfortable in participating with The Barbarians. We have made accommodations in the past but no longer have the luxury or freedom of time to do so. We had some inclination beforehand, and attempted to layout a plan that empowered you all, and we have taken measures to insure our commitment to consistency for the level of competitiveness we seek. My heartfelt appreciation to all who have stayed the course and not relinquished anything, to being bullied by blind and misguided leadership that pervades most of the Classic Circuit many of you are involved with.
Over time you will further understand what it means for The Barbarian Football Coalition to be recognized as a club, the difference in terms used to describe league, and so on. For now, my purpose in writing this letter is to make you aware that if you want to be here you are welcome, and if you are here you will receive whatever benefit we can give you without having to look elsewhere or concern yourself with what anyone else feels! My effort will always be to clarify what we are doing and when we will do it, so that you have time to do whatever you choose, on your own time. Keep in mind though, our goals here do not change: we look to improve our skill and yours on a weekly basis and from year-to-year, and in the process hopefully raise the level of play in Western Pennsylvania. It is our intention to compete as a club in all USFF Sanctioned matches if possible, and if you are selected to a team you will be counted on to do so. There is no room here for players to dual roster. We are not given to retribution, nor do you have to fear reprisal from The Barbarians for not participating, but we do operate with a clear conscience and understanding of history so that we do not repeat that which keeps us from our stated endeavors. We know we are here for your use but not one of us, you or me, are here for abuse.
As soon as possible I will be sending you the training schedule for the upcoming month or so. I will also be contacting many of you individually, to see if you intend to be a part of the 2006-2007 season, as I have done with several already. At this writing it looks like we will have our first ever U10G team! Along with them, we are certain of U10B, U12B, U14B and U16B, and are in the process of registering these teams for league play. We will try to shore-up our U14G and U16G but are not certain of a U12G bracket, and you are aware that we are not planning to train HSB or HSG. Always keep in mind that I have stated in the past, that if I do not get the players I want to work with then I will not enter a team in competition. We will revisit everything as it becomes clearer where everything stands. I am also aware that several have uniform issues and will address them soon.
In the last newsletter we recognized a number of players for their contribution during the 2005-2006 season, within The Barbarian Football Coalition. Looking back, there is an area that I did not mention which we feel needs to be recognized. Communication. Many of you know this player is always communicating game situations to their teammates in a positive manner. This past year we had two players who were of equal. Co-Communicators of the Year: Matt Vickers, and Eli Klorczyk were the best at giving direction to their teammates while in games and in training. I am certain that many who have played with them appreciate their ability to give clear instruction. I am equally certain that those who have played against them are wondering if they will ever shut up. We hope they never do!
As usual, I will see you on the pitch!
David W. Sayles