Throughout our existence it has been our effort to create an atmosphere where our work ethic is unified and we are all working toward the same end. Teamwork is at the basis of our human existence and selflessness is the dynamic at the core that will transcend any team to the end we seek.
The Coalition Commitment in essence is proposed as our members’ commitment, to the greater community outside of the Barbarian FC, by actively engaging in projects worthy of our service. It is the challenge, of being a member here within the Barbarians, to take on a greater sensibility of the world around us, and in understanding the responsibility we share in serving the greater good, and in turn aid in the development of the individual today, to become our future leaders. Credible leadership is exemplified by one’s ability to collaborate with others and work conclusively in the development of proposals before acting. Along this path the core essence of selflessness and teamwork are tested, and one avenue that we have determined for the development of our players is actively pursuing opportunities within our coalescence (community) for commitment (service).
In order to be a leader in their community players must identify areas of their community where support is needed and attempt to fulfill that need. The Barbarian FC will challenge our players to take on greater responsibility in their local community by volunteering and completing community service projects yearly as well as continuing those ongoing projects that remain viable through the Coalition Commitment. Our participants/volunteers in these various projects are encouraged to discuss and undertake works that will positively impact the members of the greater community, and, or in the neighborhoods that are under served. At present, the Coalition Commitment is for players who are currently in or entering High School. The Director of Relations from the Barbarian FC will supervise, oversee, and suggest appropriate projects for the volunteers. It is our hope that the Barbarian FC will have the full support of parents and players alike. Community service like good football should be “creative and free flowing.”