Newsletter 08/03/2005

Dear Barbarians:

There are always a lot of ideas on the table at the beginning of every indoor season, with this year being no exception. As a club, we must be very selective in how we approach each of these concepts in order to remain steadfast in our ideals, while acknowledging those that may be beneficial to the overall best interest of the longevity of a sustained league, or the development of players’ skill-level. Since its inception, we have been a proponent of the concept of a Prime League for futsal. We have yet to see what we originally envisioned, before it became what it is today. We are still hopeful that it will come about. While others are allowed to set the parameters to nothing more than what suits their own interest, and those of us who were considered Franchise Clubs are dealt the leftovers; it leaves nothing more than a disdainful taste for what we viewed as an opportunity to raise the level of play for all who would enter it. No matter the scenario, we are here to stay, come what may!

Earlier this month I sent out several pages that can be viewed on the home page of USFF. Futsal is growing throughout the world and is being set up in every corner of the world through the various organizing bodies of FIFA. We were certain that we could be at the forefront of any type of developing effort in the United States, even though we were nearly 20 years behind in this region, because of our immediate acceptance of the game when we found the opportunity to play it and expose others to it. We were certain that the advent of the Prime League would be our best approach, here in Western Pennsylvania and we were there from the beginning, lending whatever assistance and suggestion we could, to make it a viable approach to the development of footballers in our region. I will not give up on this concept, while we wait to see if others will come forward in an attempt to develop players, or block our attempts. It is interesting to note that all things being equal, some are motivated by opportunity while others are motivated to seize the opportunity from them. That is what I sense of much of those who have a hand in running the Classic Clubs and the various higher level of play that is constituted in PAWest. Just think of the number of classic clubs in our immediate area and think of how many are moving out, in an attempt to find that illusive competition that will make their players better than the organizing body’s talent pool they are leaving. Remember too that it was us who told you, competition comes from within oneself, not from an opponent on the opposite side of the ball. That is why we are who we are and they can never be!

Several of you have come to me, worried about this year’s registration requirements in which West Penn Futsal will not allow dual rosters of players in the same age group. Finally! That is something we have said all along and it is finally happening. It serves no one’s interest, club or player alike, for players to be able to occupy two spots at one time, in the same age group, nor know where their allegiance lay. We are not here to force anyone to choose one over another, nor do we believe that a club should hold court over your choice, something that some of you fear. Selection, choice, is a part of life, yet it is your fear that is realized more times than not. By the same token, some have expressed to me that they do not want to hurt The Barbarians. We are flattered that you feel that highly of our organization. We are certain that we will adapt and will be able to avail you with other opportunities for your development as players, as well as your skill as people.! You see, I was who I am long before you came and I am certain I will still be me, even after you are gone. We do not want any decision you have to make pertaining to your well-being pose a threat to your well-being. I am almost certain that having been dealt the blows I have been dealt over the past few years, through my interaction with others whom I was certain shared in our ideas, makes whatever you feel a need to do, a must; just as what I feel a need to do, a must. I want it to be known again, I do not do what I do for the sake of friendships, and I know that most of you are here for a means to an end, which we attempt to provide for you. I value each member of The Barbarian Football Coalition, parent, player and care giver, like a friend.

With so many new faces coming to our ranks, I hope that each of you will remember your first time and make others feel welcome. While we have lost a few we have more than tripled the number we have lost. What I will attempt to do is layout a plan for many of our teams, including the names of those we feel will be with what team now, before the registration of players occurs. It will serve as a sort of open forum for you to let me know if you will be comfortable with our planning, or if you choose to part ways! I would like each of you to remember too, we will be dressing a maximum of 9 players for futsal matches and we do intend to place teams in the 7’s bracket, a game where we play 7 a side with no walls and a futsal ball, something we have also encouraged to indoor organizers. Our main focus as The Barbarian Football Coalition will always be the small-sided game, and we will continue to hold patiently to our Prime League Futsal requirements. The training that everyone receives, whether you are on a Barbarian Futsal team or a Barbarian 7’s team, will continue to serve the purpose of the development of your soccer skill so that, what ever the game of football you play, you will be adept at it and be able to perform with confidence. As far as scheduling futsal games goes, we have requested that we have doubleheaders so that people can utilize travel to matches more eventfully. We will try to keep from dividing any of our teams in half to accommodate numbers, and only enter 2 teams in one age group where the ages are as evenly matched as possible, which should lend itself to better continuity. Remember, there are no odd year age groups for indoor soccer, yet! There will be some exceptions as we try to eliminate other types of hardships in a way as to not be divisive either within our organization, or with respect to other clubs. Please keep in mind that this is not finalized and that you who are not listed but have received this newsletter should by all means contact me and not assume that we do not have a place for you! We will work to fine tune some things and have them listed in our next newsletter, but you should definitely contact me if you receive this newsletter and do not see your name! So, to the best of my ability, this is how I see the 2005-2006 Barbarians formation of teams.

U9B Futsal – Chad Ayers, Stuart Curry, Tyler Grebur, Danny Kelly, Zach Lakenan, Ben Maher, Joe Merlino, Trey Quealy, Matt Rytel, Aaron Shula:

U10B Futsal – Tyler Bacco, Kyle Baum, Justin Beiriger, Sebastian Carreau, Elijah Klorczyk, Tyler Novotny, Grant Pastor, Matt Weiss:

U11B Futsal – Jason Beiriger, Ethan Dysert, Matt Henry, Lucas Johnson, Aedan Marty, Devon Nguyen, Dalton Novak, Conrad Schloer:

U12B Futsal – Andrew Greenway, Frankie Gregg, Jeffrey Kelly, John Meade, Andrew Scheidemantel, Nolan Shula, Steven Sieber, Ryland Smith, Sam Swarts

U13B Futsal – Chase Ayers, John Best, Sam Chapman, Zach DiBeradin, Louis Ferragonio, Eric Fitchwell, Michael Holzinger, Brian Horner(Who?), Marko Hudak, Elliott Weiss:

U14B Futsal – Rooney Columbus, Matt Dziak, Joe Fearer, Brett Gwosden, Liam Maher, John Merlino, Alex Novotny, Alex Grebur, Nick Scioscia, Tim Wood

U15B Futsal – Nick Bradnam, Dante DiBeradin, Josh Henry, Matt Miele, Nathaniel Ondeck, Ian Varga, Darrell Ward

U16B Futsal – Arlan Cohen, Colin Curry, Alex Danzey, Tyler Danzey, Shane Hallett, Tim Harrer, Adam Mandella, Steven Richards, Matt Vickers

U12G 7’s – Emily Best, Rebecca Bradnam, Courtney Carroll, Gina Culbertson, Casey Harsch, Jordan Huffman, Magail Heaps, Hannah Judkins, Samantha Kalup, Liz Merlino, Kiley Morgan

U13/14G 7’s -Victoria Bradnam, Amanda Collins, Lauren Edwards, Julia Guthrie, Nicole Henry, Sydney Judkins, Alexandria Kalup, Michele Miele, Shelby Novak, Mariah Ondeck, Zara Sayles, Rene Turkowski, Sarah Wissinger, Samantha Weber.

As most of you can see, there are some names missing and there are clearly some other needs! I will just list a few players that I know who are interested and I believe will play 7’s so that we can utilize each of you in the HSG category when it comes about. One thing to keep constant in your minds is that if we are going to be successful in anything we do, we must remain positive in deed and thought! Megan Eiszler, Yael Engel, Gillian Kacsuta, Jacque Heuer, Lauren Lubinsky, Abby Ondeck, Carla Shula, and Dominique Ward. If you know of any players who are interested in trying to become a part of The Barbarian Football Coalition in hopes of playing this indoor season with us, please have them contact me directly as soon as possible. I will submit a practice schedule very soon since we intend to begin practicing by the middle of this month. We will again be using the East Pittsburgh Community Gym and we are currently waiting on other facilities. As of now, we will have the gym on Saturdays and Sundays through the end of March.

As usual, I will see you on the pitch!

David W. Sayles

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