Update 1017

Good evening, Barbarian FC.

Most everyone is aware that we begin regularly scheduled training tomorrow.  Everyone who has received their ITP should notify us when they are not going to be in attendance so that we may invite someone who can.

While we appreciate you letting us know at any point we ask that when you know ahead of your scheduled session you let us know!  It is greatly appreciated and understood that we all take kindly to advance notice.

If you have not been scheduled for training please do not show up and expect to participate. You must submit your Training Survey and be scheduled to attend. Thank you for having the patience and understanding for us to achieve the stated objectives in each member’s growth and development.

Everyone who receives this email who has not paid their deposit or communicated their intent to return must do so sooner rather than later.  We ask that you communicate your intentions by either submitting your Training Survey or by rendering your deposit.  Indecision may prove detrimental to all.

Congratulations to all who have made the High School playoffs. We wish you every good fortune you earn. Remember mediocrity is not what got you there, and you can determine the difference by the decisions you make! We’ll be here at your ready.

As usual,  we’ll see you on the pitch!


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