FYI 11042023 New Training Survey

We understand that any number of you are experiencing a schedule change with your outdoor clubs. It is for that reason we will allow for everyone to update their Training Survey, now.

The Training Survey Portal is considered open from November 1 and will close Wednesday, November 8. So, if you submitted a Training Survey since November began you are good. Our request is for every remaining member to submit theirs now, in order for us to facilitate this immediate need. Remember to list every available day you are able to train.

At this point in time, we also require and request each of you fill out the League and Tournament Availability Forms. We would like to be able, to offer access or opportunity, to have every and any member possible experience futsal in as competitive an environment as your availability and our selection allows!

League,  Tournaments,  and all match play, in a Barbarian FC uniform, are by selection only and playing time is at the discretion of the coaches on the team bench!

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