Newsletter 11/29/2007

Dear Barbarians:

We have almost completed our first month of match play and have nearly had every member perform to date. Most of you are becoming more comfortable in the atmosphere that surrounds you and before long you will feel as though you have been a part of The Barbarians for some time. Some of you will struggle with identity as if teamwork is foreign to you but we would caution you that teamwork is the core of what we are about. It is imperative that we place a priority on the development of individuals through the understanding of team, where everyone who is a member has a role to perform whether in training or in games. Those who develop more quickly in our system are those who demonstrate the understanding that The Barbarians have a distinct style of play and are willing to acknowledge this understanding by their attitude and effort to contribute to the flow.

This is our approach to football, a game we believe to be a passing game and one that requires each player to be available for the ball when we are in possession by moving without the ball at our feet, to receive it and to give it, and to move where we are of most use to support our teammate who is in possession. More importantly, that if our team is not in possession we step to win the ball from our opponent to gain possession for our teammates in an effort to send them into the attack of our opponent’s goal. This is the attitude that is the essence of Barbarian Football. Selflessness not selfishness warrants that this understanding can be demonstrated farther by one’s ability to play simple, without complicating matters by their thought process, by always playing the ball to open teammates and showing that it is unnecessary to force the ball at any time thus enabling our team to maintain possession of the ball more than our opponent.

Do not misunderstand us when we insist that football is a passing game for when the ball carrier has time and space we do expect them to carry but we are also aware of what a dribbler can do to diminish the dynamic of team play. Most often excessive touches on the ball kills the flow that we are trying to establish, and instead of the ball being delivered on time, teammates must stand-up to wait for the ball, allowing ample time for an opponent to disrupt even the most well intended delivery.

At no time do we wish for any player to be stationary. We will assert to our last breath that when you come to the ball and are in possession someone is open, and on your second touch someone is still available but by your third touch, especially in futsal, your options have diminished to the point that you have put your team and the ball at a disadvantage and you will have contributed more to our opponent’s counterattack than you have to your team’s attack! We will continue to exercise patience with everyone but we will not allow it to continue to the point whereby the team’s ability to have success is jeopardized by a continuous act of selfishness. After all, is it that you do not have confidence in your teammate, or could the opposite be true? We want everyone to have confidence in their own ability but we also want everyone to demonstrate to one another they share that confidence by being team players. We would not have you here if we did not have confidence in you and so we implore you to show the confidence we have shown in you, to your teammates at every opportunity.

Very few of you realize why we assert that The Barbarians are unlike any other football-oriented organization in our area as well as throughout the United States. Our distinction is that we are the only club in this area that is dedicated to futsal, and perhaps one of the only clubs throughout the country. We are here to elevate the level of play in the soccer community of Western Pennsylvania by directly impacting the positive development of its players. While you are here you have the opportunity to play at as high a level of competitive football as possible. Our effort has always been to organize competitive teams that are comprised of players from differing backgrounds and locales with an emphasis and approach that will contribute to the overall wellbeing of the soccer community. Those who know us are aware that we do not intend to disrupt any other organization for any reason nor do we enter a season or league or any competition with complacency or mediocrity as a part of our spirit.

While we are patient with regards to having players and their families develop into a cohesive unit within The Barbarians, we are not given to anyone participating for the purpose of being here because their friends are here, or because they heard it is a place to train, or for that matter because they feel that they should be here by virtue of their abilities and their perception that they might perform better than a player who is already here. Instead we strive for consistency and continuity. Even after all that we have written and espoused to those who come our way, and while we appreciate everyone we associate with, we appreciate even more those families and players who understand our approach and accept it for what it is. Wins and loses are not our measure but consistency and continuity are. The flow and our style of play are significant even if you do not accept them.

We understand that you may have come from another organization and that there are times when you may not be with us because of something you have to do with them but are you willing to do the same or more for us, as you would for them? Is it only about who has the biggest purse and can afford to pay here, be there, and go wherever their pocket will take them or do you really want to be here for the sake of what we have to offer and would command of you? Ahh, this is the question: so why would you ask of me what you would not demand from them? Is this not the time for indoor soccer and have we made a commitment to you, or is it just words, you think, that might bring us comfort? We have been taught, “the proof is in the pudding” and “actions speak louder than words”, and we have learned our lesson over many campaigns so as to not be adversely affected by the actions you take or the words you speak!

In everything we do we strive to improve this club for all of its members. Originally we sent letters directly to our players via USPS because we believe in the importance of communication and the significance reading plays in our lives. At that time we were certain most of the players read their letters because we would quiz them on different issues that pertained to our style of play, etc. because we also did not train then, either. As the club grew and the cost of mailings increased we turned to email, we began training and our numbers grew. At every turn, we attempted to improve every aspect of a family’s participation and over the years we have had several who have stayed the course. We have now transitioned again and hope that the newsletter, originally written on a weekly basis, is still read by the players and shared with any of our supporters. We will continue to write and may have more to say than you want to hear, but it is all a necessary part of The Barbarian Experience.

Perhaps most notably in our transition is the fact that we now have a tremendous resource through sponsorship, and our website. Our primary sponsor, for the next few years, Greater Pittsburgh Orthopaedic Associates have agreed to a financial commitment for The Barbarian Football Coalition and enabling resource that will allow us the opportunity to purchase equipment and move forward without an increase in cost to our members. Also, they have stipulated that we will have easier access to scheduling an appointment in the event of an orthopedic injury to any of our players, by simply notifying them that you are a member of The Barbarians. We encourage you to visit their website through the link we have established on our site. Besides the link on our website they have also asked for the ability to post information and send email to our members if needed to which we have agreed.

Secondary to GPOA is an organization with multiple services in the field of communications whose main function is as our Webmaster (BFCadmin) and who has also provided us with uninterrupted email access for several years, VDFNET. Family matters aside, it is owned and operated by my brother, DuWayne R. Sayles of Concord, Massachusetts. He helps monitor the accessibility of things and keeps us all able to communicate freely for which we have the greatest appreciation. I am almost certain that upon his reading this newsletter he will remove this part but not before some of you know who is behind the scene on most occasions! (Is the check in the mail yet? – DRS )

Now, with the advent of our website and through sponsorship you too have the ability to become more involved. We ask that you consider becoming a sponsor and to understand that there are many levels available to contribute. In the end, it will come back to you in some form or another. We have encouraged everyone to use the website and with this, our very first newsletter accessible only at Once again we have made as smooth a transition as possible and we know that there is nothing we do without the help of others and that there is nothing we do just for ourselves. There is far more fulfillment in life when you serve, rather than be served! Welcome all to another year of Barbarian Football. Thank you for being a part of the 2007 – 2008 season.
As usual, I will see you on the pitch!

David W. Sayles

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