Newsletter 10/11/2008

Dear Barbarians:
It does not look promising that we will begin training by next weekend. At this point in time we must wait for the East Pittsburgh Gym to finish their remodeling and do not anticipate being in before the first week of November. In the interim I wanted to touch base with you about how we will move forward and iron out potential problem scenarios before they arise.

We will not accept players who are trying to dual roster under any circumstance. Our position has been the same since we entered league play and see no reason to change for anyone, but we wanted to make it clear to those who are new to the club. Each of you knows that we attempt to limit the number of players per team, that we have each year. It is imperative that training sessions, scheduled matches, State Cup, Regional play and the National Tournament are a priority. If you have received this newsletter or are inclined to participate with us this year, these functions should not be viewed as optional. We are sincere in our approach to each of you and appreciate the same in return. For too long, we have borne the burden of many who lack commitment or appreciation of what is being done for them.

Nearly all of those who return to us have benefited greatly from our method of training players and our attempt to get players to a higher level of play than is being generated by other clubs in which they participate. We extend opportunities to many of you for additional training beyond what your team is doing; but we do so at our asking, not at yours. It is not that we would not do for all what we do for one but our efforts are sincere when we extend these offers to players because of our constant evaluation of players’ performance both in match play and in training. We have done the same with regards to games, whereby some of you may play many more games than some of your counterparts within the club; and we have done so without additional costs to families. Yet, some feel slighted and wonder why they are not asked or more tellingly, why others are asked. It is unfortunate that we cannot look at it in a more positive light and understand that this is why we are different and why we are more concerned with the development of players than being accepted or looked upon with a negative mentality.

We have been accused of being more concerned with revenue than with putting the best players on the pitch, when our goal is to help each player who comes our way develop to be the best they are capable of being, and that we are not akin to sacking players because they are not as strong as others on the team. That may be true but at no time, when the game is in the balance that we do not have the players who have performed the strongest on the floor trying to secure a victory. That is one way we do our selection, and these are the tools by which most players will develop more strongly rather than removing them from something that is meaningful to them for the sake of other’s egos or self-serving. After all, if you feel you are a good player and that you wish to be on a team of equally good players always remember, the best always make those around them better and probably not the other way around.

Recognition is a key component of what is needed in order for players to develop within any system and having a role is what each player on a team must incorporate into their understanding of the game or recognize. Roles do change in time, but not when a parent or I decide but rather when the player’s recognition and development allow it. While we may perceive one thing or another, and the individuals involved on a team yet another, and even more by some who feel they are impartial, the truth may be totally different from the reality for it is perception that shapes reality without necessarily ever approaching the truth. But one thing that applies to us all at every stage of our development is that one can affect the outcome by the choices one makes and may we all know that when we choose to do right by others in a consistent manner, eventually we will effect a positive outcome, continuity, despite the road that must be traveled to that end. The journey has its length that is measured one step at-a-time which began with its first step but only one of us was there at the beginning and so shall it be in the end, with or without you till its end.

The Barbarian FC could not be what it is today without having endured many bumps along the way but it most assuredly could not be here without having many who believe and contribute and have been committed to the process. Most of you would not be here if it was not for someone else bringing you here nor could we survive without bringing new families to our midst. We have grown but are careful to do so with the hope and understanding that others will see what is taking place and want to be a part of it all. That is one reason why we do some things the way we do, but there will always be those who feel they are better than others. My hope is that there will not be those who feel they are lesser for that, and that each of us will recognize the role we play without need for recognition. We all seek approval on one level or another but if we are ever to achieve true success then altruism should be our absolute for the sake of club, team, and individual. Ah, this will be our reward and we will know it from the sense it brings!

Without a doubt, I look forward to the upcoming season. With, or without you.

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